
Western Springs Marriage Counseling 

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Western Springs Marriage Counseling 

Marriage is one of the most beautiful and unique relationship structures that a person can enter into. But marriage is also challenging. Even for the most loving of couples, conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship. If you are feeling as though the light is burning out in your marriage, you and your spouse are unable to communicate, there is a source of conflict that is driving a wedge between you and your spouse, or you are otherwise feeling disconnected, our team can help. Western Springs marriage counseling can provide a safe space for you and your spouse to explore various issues and work to come together again. Call us today to learn more. 

Reasons Why Couples Choose Marriage Counseling

Couples enter relationship counseling for numerous reasons; it’s important to remember that while no two couples are exactly the same, many couples experience similar conflicts and raw spots. Common reasons to seek out a marital therapist include: 

  • Repairing a breach of trust. When trust is breached in a marriage, it can be very hard for a couple to heal. While the most common breach of trust is an affair, it’s by no means the only one. 
  • Going through a big transition. Couples may choose to seek a therapist when they are going through a life change, such as having a child, a big move, a career change, or something else, including a traumatic event. 
  • Working together for effective parenting. The most effective parents are those who know how to communicate in a healthy way with one another. Parents can benefit from learning new tools and strategies for communication through therapy. 
  • Clashing about money or another source of conflict. Money is a common source of conflict in a marriage, but it’s not the only one. If there is a root source of conflict, working through the issue with a therapist can be helpful. 
  • Improving intimacy. Another source of conflict and a commonly reported source of unhappiness in a marriage is a lack of intimacy. Therapy can be a safe space to talk about intimacy and explore your needs with your partner. 
  • Growing back together after growing apart. Many couples who have been married for years report having simply “grown apart.” You can grow back together, and marriage therapy can help. 

What to Expect During Marriage Counseling

When you go to marriage counseling, it’s important to remember that the therapist is not a judge who is there to make a decision or take sides; instead, your therapist will help to facilitate healthy conversation with your spouse and provide insight and perspective. Ultimately, though, improving your relationship will take work and commitment that goes beyond just showing up for your therapy sessions. 

Call Our Western Springs Marriage Counseling Therapists Directly Today

If you and your spouse are struggling to connect or need help navigating a difficult patch in your relationship or the feeling of having grown apart, our Western Springs marriage counseling therapists can help. Reach out today to schedule an appointment and get started. 

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