
Family Therapist Near Westmont

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Family Therapist Near Westmont

Having family is one of the most treasured experiences for many people. Even when times are hard, most people wouldn’t trade their family for the world. But as comforting, reliable, and loving as a family may be, families also experience discord, conflict, and complex situations that make maintaining a loving relationship difficult. At Life Insight, our family therapist near Westmont can work with your family on a one-on-one basis to help you handle grief, conflict, or another issue that’s specific to you. To learn more about our family therapy services near Westmont, please call our therapist or reach out to our office online at your convenience. 

Top Reasons Families Seek Services with a Family Therapist Near Westmost

Family therapy is used for families that are facing a variety of different situations, ranging from serious trauma and grief to everyday conflict and disagreement. Examples of reasons why families may choose to seek services with a family therapist near Westmont include:

  • Learning to cope if one member of the family has a serious mental illness, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia;
  • Coping with grief if a member of the family has been diagnosed with a serious illness, has been involved in a traumatic accident, or has died; 
  • Developing tools for coping and managing emotions related to one family member’s substance abuse addiction or other serious behavior problem;
  • Learning how to help a child or teen who has behavioral issues; 
  • Learning about how to explain divorce to a child and help a child cope with emotions during and after a divorce; and 
  • Developing skills for communicating with one another and handling everyday issues that cause grief, stress, or conflict within the family. 

There is no incorrect reason to seek family therapy. If your family needs help communicating or dealing with an event or set of emotions, a family therapist may be able to help. 

How Family Therapy Is Structured

How your family therapy sessions will be structured will likely be affected by the issue you’re dealing with, the number of people in your family who are participating in therapy, the methodology of your therapist, and your family’s personal preferences. The therapy may involve all members of the family meeting with the therapist at once, or individual sessions with each member of the family on a one-on-one basis with the therapist. 

During therapy, you will work with the therapist to identify unhealthy thought and behavior problems that are pervasive in the family, examine and explore the roles of each family member, identify goals for family therapy and what you want out of the experience, explore your family’s strengths and attributes, and work through issues that lead to conflict and unhealthy behaviors. 

Get Your Family the Help You All Need – Call a Family Therapist Near Westmont Today

Having conflict in your family and your home can be extremely stressful. When you need help making sense of tough times in your family, a family therapist near Westmont can help. To learn more about our family therapy services and our approach to family therapy, please send us a message today or call our office directly.

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