
Clarendon Hills Therapist for Anxiety 

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Clarendon Hills Therapist for Anxiety 

Understanding that the feelings and behaviors you may be experiencing and engaging in are anxiety isn’t always easy. In many cases, anxiety is dismissed or mistaken for regular stress, personality, or another mental health disorder, such as depression. At Life Insight, we understand the toll that anxiety can take on you, and we’re here to help. If you are suffering from anxiety, our Clarendon Hills therapist for anxiety can help. Reach out to us today by phone or online to learn more about our services and how to get started.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, or uneasiness, and an anxiety disorder is having persistent feelings of fear, dread, or uneasiness around average, everyday events. There are different types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, wherein the sufferer worries excessively about everyday issues; panic disorder, where the sufferer has panic attacks; social anxiety disorder, wherein the person experiencing the anxiety experiences it in direct relation to social situations; and phobias, where a person has anxiety about a very specific thing, such as riding an elevator or spiders. 

The Symptoms of Anxiety

While experiencing stress is common and expected, constant anxiety can be burdensome and get in the way of your happiness and your ability to live life to the fullest. Some of the symptoms of anxiety that can help you to distinguish between anxiety and common stress include:

  • Constantly feeling nervous or tense
  • Having a feeling of impending doom
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Feeling excessively weak or fatigued
  • Having difficulty controlling worry
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Experiencing gastrointestinal issues

The symptoms of anxiety can differ from person to person. It’s time to see a professional if your anxiety or excessive worry is interfering with your work or relationships, you’re finding it difficult to control, you are having physical symptoms and health problems as a result of anxiety,  or anxiety is leading to symptoms of depression, including any thoughts of self-harm.

How Can an Anxiety Therapist Help Me?

If you are suffering from anxiety, working with an anxiety therapist may help. An anxiety therapist can support you by helping you to understand the source of your anxiety and develop new thinking patterns and perspectives surrounding the thing that is causing you anxiety. A therapist can also teach coping tools, ranging from thought-distraction tools to breathing techniques and more. You and your therapist will work together to set goals for your therapy and then take actionable steps to meet those goals.

Call Our Clarendon Hills Therapist for Anxiety Today

At Life Insight, we know that working with a therapist can be intimidating—sometimes, even recognizing that you need help is overwhelming. When you call our Clarendon Hills therapist for anxiety at Life Insight, we’ll work with you to create an atmosphere that is trusting and comfortable. We always protect your privacy, provide therapy that’s aligned with your goals, and encourage you to be the master of your own future. To learn more about our therapists and how to get started, reach out to us today online or by phone. 

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