
Downers Grove Marriage Counseling

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Downers Grove Marriage Counseling

Being married is a wonderful thing, offering companionship and partnership, love and support, and often guidance, too. But being married can also be a very challenging thing and while you’ve surely heard it before, all couples have challenges in their marriage. While sometimes these challenges can feel insurmountable, there is help available. At Life Insight, our Downers Grove marriage counseling services can help you and your partner work through the issues in your marriage and achieve the outcomes you have in mind. Call us today to learn more.

Important Topics During Marriage Counseling

The issues that you talk about during your sessions with your marriage counselor will be tailored to you. That being said, common and important topics during marriage counseling often include:

  • Feelings related to trust and mistrust within the relationship;
  • Worries or concerns about suspected or past infidelity;
  • Communication issues;
  • Anger and sadness within a marriage;
  • Working through different parenting techniques or family relationships;
  • Intimacy and sex; 
  • Feeling respected and loved; and
  • The idea of separation. 

The goal of therapy will be to get to the bottom of the issue that is causing discord in your relationship and make sure that the root problem is addressed. In addition, you and your spouse will set goals for therapy and for what objectives you hope to achieve through therapy. 

Who We Help

We can work with married couples who have just recently married, who are thinking about getting married, who are planning for having children together, who are adjusting to life with children or another major life change, who have experienced a traumatic event, or who have been together for many years. We work with couples of all different backgrounds and demographics, including LGBTQ couples. 

Why Seek Marriage Counseling?

At the time that you got married, you surely loved your spouse deeply and perhaps did not anticipate that there would come a day when things felt divisive. Living with this feeling now may be frustrating and hopeless, and seeking counseling may feel like a sign of failure, and might even be embarrassing. It’s important to remember that conflict is natural in relationships, as well as inevitable. A counselor can provide guidance, shed light on a new perspective, and provide you with important tools for navigating your marriage and having conversations that are productive. 

Call Our Downers Grove Marriage Counselors Today

We know that marriage is hard and that there are times where you may feel frustrated beyond belief, angry, or sad. We want to provide you with the guidance and support you need. There is no silver bullet solution to resolving all conflicts in a marriage, but with work, effort, and the support of a professional, there is a lot of hope. If you and your spouse are ready to meet with a counselor to discuss issues in your marriage, or if you are just ready to learn more about the process, please call us directly or send us a message to request more information or set up your first appointment. Our Downers Grove marriage counselors care about you. 

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