
8 Springtime Self-Care Rituals

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8 Springtime Self-Care Rituals

March 21, 2022

We made it! Happy first day of spring! The weather is finally actually thawing out and we can officially say winter is over (even if we do get a little snow still – we know it won’t last). Winter can be a tough time on our mental health and sometimes we don’t even notice it until spring comes and we can get outside in the sun and get that vitamin D we really need.

Hibernation time is officially over and it’s time to get moving again! To celebrate, we have rounded up our favorite self-care items on our spring to-do list.

1. Fill your home with flowers

Nothing brings joy like a fresh vase of tulips on the dining table. Treat yourself to a simple bouquet of spring flowers and fill small vases in every room of the house, bringing in fresh colors and reminders that we made it!

2. Have lunch outside

Fresh air and sun on your face in the middle of the day can’t be beat. You may still need to bundle up a bit and even if you only have 15 minutes to sit and eat, make sure it’s outside where you can soak up that sunshine. It really doesn’t take much to get huge mental and physical health benefits from spending some time outdoors.

 3. Change up the scents in your home

Wintertime is great for warm, comforting scents like pine and spices. Now that we are in springtime, switch out your candles and fresheners for something brighter and with more energy like floral, citrus, or herbal scents. Fragrance is powerful and subconsciously impacts your mood, so feed your nose some energizing scents for a boost!

4. Cook with springtime ingredients

Eating seasonally is an amazing way to feel connected to the changes in seasons and switch things up when the weather turns. Load up on lighter, simple foods like salads and seasonal fruits and veggies. Make new flavor combinations that you haven’t tasted in a while. Two words: mango salsa. As the evenings warm up, start up the grill and treat yourself to some real warmer weather favorites.

5. Open up the windows

Let in the sunshine by opening up your blinds and curtains every morning. On warmer afternoons, air out your home by opening up some windows and letting the fresh air in. Letting out the stale winter air and allowing a (slightly cool) breeze flow through the house for just a few minutes is a great way to change the energy in the home and give yourself a little mental boost. (This trick works great in the car, too!)

6. Get your car washed & detailed

Salt, snow, dirt, crumbs, who even knows…. Winter is hard on our cars and it’s time to get them cleaned up! Spring is our favorite time to splurge for a good, thorough detailing service and wash.

7. Start your garden

It’s time to get your creativity going and your hands dirty! Start with planning and clearing out debris from the fall and winter. Check the weather for the right time to plant some new flowers, bushes, or begin a hearty vegetable garden. Spending time outside getting dirty in the soil is thought to have a positive impact on mental health. Studies suggest that microorganisms in the soil may reduce stress.

8. Change out your closets

Get out of here winter coats and snow pants! Into storage til October! It’s time to hang up your favorite spring jackets and sweaters. Switch out your closet for brighter colors and lighter layers. Now might be a good time to look through all your mittens, hats, and scarves and decide which ones to donate to charity, too. Lightening the load of these types of items can be surprisingly effective in lightening your mental load.

What’s on your spring to-do list?

Maybe you have your own springtime traditions, or maybe you are busy preparing for a big summer trip or the kids being home from school. Spring is a time of change, so make sure you give yourself some time to wake up from the wintertime blues, feel the sun on your face, and do what you need to do to recharge and feel refreshed.

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