
BIPOC Services

Therapy for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Clients

BIPOC Mental Health Matters!

The BIPOC community consists of individuals from the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color groups. Collectively, BIPOC groups often experience higher rates of mental health struggles due to compounding impacts of racism, trauma, violence, discrimination, socioeconomic barriers, lack of representation, and access to care.

Here at Life Insight, we are dedicated to providing effective care for the mental health and wellness of every individual, including BIPOC communities. We recognize the unique experiences of BIPOC individuals and believe that you have a right to feel affirmed, validated and supported in the therapeutic space. Whether you are in need of exploring the impact of race across your lived experience or needing to process unexplored parts of your identity, our door is open to you! While many facets of intersectionality within BIPOC groups exist, it is important that you feel safe and free to be yourself. Therapy and counseling can help Black, Indigenous, and People of Color manage and overcome the effects of life stressors. 

Our staff is committed to continuing education and awareness training to continue to provide thoughtful, informed care. Come and experience Life Insight. Your mental wellness matters to us!

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(630) 563-0044


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