
Grief Counseling Downers Grove

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Grief Counseling Downers Grove

Grief is an emotion that everyone is likely to experience at some point in their life. While grief manifests itself in different ways, it is a powerful emotion that, for some, can begin to take over day-to-day life. At Life Insight, we provide qualified grief counseling Downers Grove. To learn more about grief counseling and how it may help you move forward after a traumatic and tragic event, call us directly today. Our therapists are here to support you in your healing journey. 

Common Causes of Grief

The word “grief” is usually used to describe an emotional reaction to the death of a loved one; however, it is not limited to this definition. Grief may be felt when there is any significant loss or traumatic event in one’s life, not necessarily the death of a loved one. Common examples of loss that can lead to grief include:

  • Loss of a friend (death)
  • Loss of a friendship 
  • Loss of a job or a personal dream/ambition
  • Pandemic-related disruptions
  • Loss of a romantic relationship
  • Loss of a beloved pet

If you are experiencing grief, you are not alone. Grief is something that most people will experience at some stage in their life—there is comfort in knowing that others have gone through the same journey you are going through now. 

Signs & Symptoms of Grief

As mentioned above, grief can look different for everyone. Some grief is healthy; it’s normal to feel a sense of loss, sadness, anger, and even guilt after losing someone or something valuable. But grief can burgeon into a grief management problem when it becomes a prolonged or complicated grief disorder. A person who is struggling with healthy grief management may have suicidal thoughts, may be uninterested in participating in activities they once enjoyed or maintaining romantic or intimate relationships, and may suffer from depression and anxiety. Note that there are stages of grief that most psychologists believe people pass through on their grief journey. These include:

  • Shock
  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Testing acceptance

Our therapists can work with you no matter where you are in your grief journey. 

What to Expect During Grief Counseling

During grief counseling, your therapist will work with you to identify the source of your trauma and the cause of your grief; to express your emotions using a more comprehensive vocabulary; to address any feelings of guilt and forgive yourself; to accept the loss that you have experienced and allow yourself to enjoy life again; to build a strong support system; and to ultimately come to terms with your new reality. 

Call Our Therapists for Grief Counseling – Downers Grove Today

To learn more about our therapists at Life Insight and our services for grief counseling Downers Grove, please reach out to our team directly. Our therapists have the certifications and experience you can trust, and truly care about each patient we work with. We are here to help you while protecting your confidentiality and wishes for therapy. Reach us now to get started.

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